A sparkly vampire by any other name…… ♥ Robert Pattinson ♥ ~ why he’s so much more than Edward Cullen

Edward Cullen?  Ummm no, the name is Rob Pattinson

Edward Cullen? Ummm no, the name is Rob Pattinson

*For those of you that think of Rob as only Edward Cullen and never want him to be anything other than Edward Cullen, don’t care what he has done or will do in the future, don’t bother reading this because it is very long and completely goes against that idea. It had to be long to say everything it needed to and anyone that knows me, knows it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to write a short blog anyway.

Well in one of my notes on Facebook I found myself just copying and pasting the majority of it, which most of the time I hate to do but the interview was so compelling and heartfelt I just had to. As I stated in that note I found myself able to identify with this sweet person even more than before and it just goes to show us that even the biggest stars of the moment are decent humans with kind souls and good hearts. We should show a huge amount of respect for Rob being so young knowing exactly who he is, who he wants to be, that knows his place in the world and not changing his ideals in this vortex of moral decay they call Hollywood. In an interview I posted on Facebook I had mentioned a few things that I wanted to write about and so I thought maybe I would kind of segway into this somehow….

I make no secret of the fact that I am a fan or as some say obsessed on   whatever day of the week it is with Rob Pattinson. I think I fit in a demographic of at LEAST 500 million other women across the globe. Ok maybe not 500 million ~ 499,999…but still.

I am always running around the web doing research looking up pics and just obsessing in one form or another over Pattz and so when I was looking for some info on the movie Dune, which he had been rumored at one point to possibly be staring in, I found one negative comment after another. I for one honestly do not know how to feel about this one. Although I never made it through Dune all the way (regretfully) I know what an epic novel it is and how important it is to the fans. He is a fine actor but to cast him in a role like this with these kinds of fans, I just don’t know. Twilight was a book by a first time author that to tell the truth was not very well written. I loved the premise of the book and the books have just gotten better with each new book Stephenie Meyer published, so for Rob to carry THIS franchise is one thing but a masterpiece like Dune? No way. I DO think that Rob has the talent to carry movies though, don’t get me wrong. He has been fantastic in all his other movies and I hope to see much more of him over the years. He is definitely NOT a one hit, or should I say one franchise wonder as the critics are saying. I wish they would give him a break.

Now for the reason of this blog….

I guess you can call me a hypocrite because I just did what I was trying to write about, negative comments and criticism. I just criticized Rob’s acting and that is just not okay or DID I??? Of course I didn’t really criticize him; I think he is an amazing actor although I just don’t know if he is up to the task of Dune. My reasons are NOT based on his acting skills because to tell the truth I think he could probably play the role or ANY role for that matter that he is given. Unfortunately, just as Twilighters before, these fans are just as passionate and obsessive about who is or is not right for their beloved story and the truth is that the fans will never accept the sparkly vampire playing in THEIR movie.

The things that I read were laughable at best but I felt the need to expound on my feelings for Rob’s acting capabilities, not as a fangirl, but as someone who truly just enjoys good movies. Because all I kept finding were negative reviews from professionals AND fans.

I am going to start with “Little Ashes” because it is the most recent film I

This really didn't freak me out nearly as much as I thought it would because the movie was beautiful and touching

This really didn’t freak me out nearly as much as I thought it would because the movie was beautiful and touching

have seen that Rob starred in. To tell the truth I thought I was going to have a real problem with the subject matter. For any of the girls that really know me and were around for the “Mavid” days, you all know how I feel about this sort of thing. I don’t know why something like this bothers me so much because to tell the truth I really don’t have issues with gay people, but when it comes to people who I know, or should I say ~ I know of, being involved in this…I have a BIG problem. I don’t know why it freaks me out but I just can’t wrap my head around it.

Rob did such an amazing job in this movie, everyone should see it

Rob did such an amazing job in this movie, everyone should see it

In “Little Ashes” though, I found myself forgetting about all of that and getting lost in the love story and the beauty of the film. Surprisingly enough none of it really bothered me a bit not even the kissing scenes which I was SURE would freak me out in a way I could just never get over. Rob and Javier Beltrán were amazing in the movie and connected making me believe for those two hours that they were actually Dali and Lorca, so for the critics to trash the movie and say that it was Rob’s bad acting that caused it?? I am not really sure why.

Next we have “How to Be” which in all honesty, I haven’t really heard

Rob as Art in How To Be ~ probably my favorite movie he's in (well, a tie with Little Ashes at this point)

Rob as Art in How To Be ~ probably my favorite movie he’s in (well, a tie with Little Ashes at this point)

much about either way. This in itself surprises me….no actually it doesn’t. God forbid, they find something GOOD about Rob and run with it. This movie was so good and as unfortunate as it is, I find myself connecting with it on a personal level. Rob made this role his own, making us all love Art but at the same time kind of feel sorry for him and I think identify with him on some level in some strange way. I think that unfortunately we all have just a tiny bit of Art to one extreme or another in us all, whether we want to admit it or not, in my case it was having cold uncaring parents.

Edward Cullen in New Moon (Twilight Saga)  I am sure this will be better, the last one wasn't his fault.  It was the writing I am sure :(

Edward Cullen in New Moon (Twilight Saga) this HAS to be better then the first

Of course we have Twilight and I am sure a lot of you will be upset with my thoughts on this but to tell you the truth after viewing everything that Rob has done, Twilight IS his weakest role to date (aside from his first). I am not saying he didn’t do a good job, so put down the torches and pitch forks. Look at the material he had to work with first off, I mean I am sure he did the best he could and I have faith that his role as Edward in New Moon is going to better but we have to look at the actor or actress that he has to work off of and if a wooden plank can do a better job well then it is hard for him to be convincing in the role… *why do I still feel like I should be ducking and dodging large objects??*

The Harry Potter movies were such a huge hit that who would have thought I could have found anyone criticizing his acting ability, but of course I did. Ahhh, Cedric Diggory…what can we say about him except that he was gorgeous, friendly, popular and everyone

Rob as perfect Cedric Diggory ~ what can I say about this?

Rob as perfect Cedric Diggory ~ what can I say about this?


Rob as Toby Jugg in the Haunted Airman ~ great movie also staring Julian Sands definitely worth watching!!

wanted to be him. Rob’s role wasn’t huge in the movie but I felt like the one he had was great. To tell the truth in all fairness I shouldn’t be judging this movie because the ONLY reason I sat through it was to see Rob.

Now the “Haunted Airman”, THAT was a good movie. I believe this was a made for TV movie on the BBC but don’t quote me on that. This was a movie based on the book “The Haunting of Toby Jugg” by Dennis Wheatley and I for one thought Rob was brilliant in the role. He was very convincing as someone that tried to be nonchalant but was quite cynical about his situation, and then when things in the movie progressed I was convinced of the terror he was facing. The other thing about the movie is that it required him to be still as a paralyzed man and not once did he give the impression that he was not, you really felt he WAS Toby Jugg.

There was “The Bad Mothers Handbook”, which was also a BBC movie I

Rob as Daniel Gale in The Bad Mother Handbook, the very first movie I saw after Twilight that made it clear to me he would be a star

Rob as Daniel Gale in The Bad Mother Handbook, the very first movie I saw after Twilight that made it clear to me he would be a star

believe. “The Bad Mothers Handbook” was one of the first movies that I saw Rob in after “Twilight” and I was so impressed with the job he did, it just made me want to find out more and more about him. I can’t say that I have heard much negative press about this movie but that is probably because not many people up until the huge surge of “Edward lovers” and fangirls that claimed they have always loved Rob have run out and seen everything they can get their hands on. Of course this has just come about in the last few months but back to my review.

This movie was a movie that touched upon subjects that are all difficult to deal with (adoption, teen pregnancy, and dementia) so there was this element of sadness but then there was Rob and his relationship with Charlotte. He brought this lightness to the story which always made me smile and think to myself I wish I had been so lucky as to have a best friend like him in high school. He was sweet and charming and a little funny just at the right times. His role was believable and he had a sweetness to him that every girl looks for in a man. Although, he was made up to be this geeky kid, I could have seen myself falling love with him. Not because he was Rob Pattinson but because he was Daniel Gale.

Rob as Prince Giselher (I think he was a prince) anyhow, he is obviously adorable here but like I said the mini series was kind of lame. Judging on how good he is today I have a feeling this was just a springboard for every project he has had since and he has definitely proved he is worthy of anything and everything he has been given ♥

Rob as Prince Giselher (I think he was a prince) anyhow, he is obviously adorable here but like I said the mini series was kind of lame. Judging on how good he is today I have a feeling this was just a springboard for every project he has had since and he has definitely proved he is worthy of anything and everything he has been given ♥

The Sci Fi mini series “Ring of the Nibelungs” was NOT a great movie or what ever you want to call it. I think it might have been Rob’s first real acting job but I am not quite sure. The mini series was cheesy and what can I say except the small role that Rob had in it seemed alright but I am not going to lie, I wouldn’t have voted him up for any award. He looked really cute and didn’t do a bad job for a 17 year old, but I can’t help but wonder if the material sucked so badly that he did the best he could and actually did a stellar job for what he was working with.

So Roger Ebert I am NOT and never claimed to be, but I just wanted to give my honest opinion of movies from an actual movie goer’s point of view. I think that the critics professional and otherwise are so hung up on the fact that Rob plays the sparkly vampire that they can’t get past that fact and see each individual movie as a separate entity.

I for one am kind of tired of reading a bunch of negative crap about Rob (Rob should never play any one but Edward) but on the flip side it would be nice for some of these fangirls and fans to actually go out and watch these movies with fresh eyes before making judgments on how great he is. It must get old to hear how wonderful you are just because you are Edward Cullen.

Let’s face facts for a second here. He is NOT Edward Cullen and never will be, each role he plays he brings something new to the table, making you believe he is that character and NOT a sparkly vampire and if you are a TRUE fan, he deserves your respect to go out and watch his movies and see for yourselves just what kind of star power this man has because if we go based on the fact he is Edward Cullen we are not only insulting him but cheating ourselves.

As for Dune, I heard he won’t be doing that movie and personally I am glad for several reasons. I would be profoundly upset if it interfered with him working on Bel Ami and Unbound Captives, two movies which seem very interesting and well worth watching, once again breaking out of the Edward mold and two, the last thing he needs to do is kill himself with another epic saga, that could possibly take up years and years of his life stuffing him once again into a little box of one character. His talent is much too diverse to get stuck in THAT rut again.

{ I did not mention his role as the older Rowdy Crawly in Vanity Fair

Rob in his non existent role in Vanity Fair.  Still not sure why it didn't make the cut, he was pretty good.

Rob in his non existent role in Vanity Fair. Still not sure why it didn’t make the cut, he was pretty good.

because it was such a small part and it never made it to the movie I figured, I am not that much of a fangirl to review it. There is also his role in the Summer House which IMDB has as a 12 minute film from 2008 (yeah, 12 minutes, I was surprised too) I found it somewhere it is really kind of weird and hot all at the same time, he plays a dick but looks hot doing it.  So far no word on Unbound Captives and he has done Remember Me, Water for Elephants  and Cosmopolis which are listed in another blog and has several projects greenlit to work on in the future 🙂

*On another note, I am looking forward to seeing Remember Me which should be hitting theaters the weekend of my birthday *YAY* (release date February 12th 2010)