My thoughts on everything from Life to Love and a few of my Guilty Pleasures ~


So Welcome to my blogging site. I find in a world of video games, Netflix & chill, TikTok, SnapChat, Instagram and messenger/texting that no one seems to have the time to read or write anymore.  Hey, I’m just as guilty as the next person when it comes to my shows and games on my phone but I really try and take time out to both read and write because they are things that I love and are still important to me.  As I’ve said before, reading IS fundamental and I wish we could pound that into our kid’s heads, but if WE get caught up in this cyber life and don’t read or write ourselves, then what example are we actually setting for them?

My site is broken down into several sections about Life, Love, Guilty Pleasures, Entertainment, Videos and more (I’m in the process of adding a Politics section but it isn’t coming along as fast as I would like).  Each section/tab is it’s own page with links to each of the posts in that section and you’ll find blogs about all of the things that I feel strongly about or just feel like talking about at the moment.  I like to write about my take on just about everything and express my opinions about entertainment, politics, life, love, sex and relationships plus whatever I’m loving or hating at the moment. At times my views can be a little shocking to some people because I don’t sugar coat things or hold anything back, which I think you will find is the one thing throughout this site that has a common factor.

If you have a problem with what I write about, you have two choices. If you are respectable or have a legitimate question, you can voice your opinion or question in the comments and MOST of the time I’ll answer.  If you’re just here to be a hateful troll, a MAGA psychophant and can’t or won’t have a normal discussion or debate about what I write, then you have option two which it to just simply leave.  I don’t have time or energy to sit and argue with people or to have to defend my opinions on my own blog.  Remember, what I have to say is MY opinion, I don’t expect it to line up with every other person on the face of the planet.

My pages are as follows: my Life page shows a little bit of my life experiences and feelings about things of that nature, my Love page has posts about love, relationships and sex, my Guilty Pleasures page has posts about actors I respect, admire, have liked in the past or think are totally hot ;), my politics page will discuss the way I feel about the state of our nation and I am sure will spark many debates which once again I will gladly discuss with anyone rational; Democrats and Republicans ~ conservative or not (I was a conservative Republican my first 40 + years of life) as long as it doesn’t get nasty, hateful or threatening.  My Entertainment page will have everything from TV, movies, music, pop culture, actors that I do AND don’t like plus it will now include the posts I had previously had on a dedicated Twilight page which I am doing away with because A) I am STILL not sure what the Hell I was thinking when I was a huge fan and B) There is just nothing to write anymore that doesn’t fall into either Guilty Pleasure or Entertainment.  My Misc. section has whatever crap that just doesn’t seem to have a home and I also have my ever so popular Eye Candy pages which is basically just a place with pictures of extremely hot men that I would like to see A LOT more of 😉 What can I say, being a woman of a certain age and single can be a little daunting and everybody needs to see something pretty once in a while 🙂

PS: I want to apologize to my readers that have subscribed and have stuck around all these years. I KNOW it has literally been years since I posted anything new but things in my personal life just got out of hand and honestly, my depression kept me from wanting to do much of anything.  I’ve also been so angry the last couple of years and every time I go to write a blog, I get about halfway through and get so pissed off at what’s going on in this country, I just have to walk away. I realize this is actually a disservice to my readers and we should all speak up and speak out about injustice, hypocrisy and just plain evil assholes that set out to destroy our great nation, so I will try from now on to soldier through and finish my posts.


 I like to pretend I can write so hopefully you will continue to read what I have to say no matter what your views are.  Some of these blogs I wrote years ago and had posted over at Facebook or Live Journal so you might see me refer to them as notes etc. It’s too much of a pain in my ass to go in and change each one and a lot of them are actually much older than what is displayed at the top of the page. I don’t know why it happens but it is REALLY annoying.  You should always be able to find the newest post on the front page of the blog and for those of you that have repeatedly asked me about subscribing, it is in the sidebar.

Once again, I really hope people will feel comfortable to comment. I mean real comments that aren’t spam. I have no time for that shit and those of you that find it too hard to take the two seconds it takes to sign up with an account, just know that your comment made it as far as my spam folder and honestly I don’t check it that often. So PLEASE if you have something valid to say, use your real name (or some normal username), it’s not that hard or you can use your OpenID from most other blog sites.  When you come from some of these track back sites and comment with names like Viagra Users United or whatever, it’s hard to take your comments seriously. I really TRY and answer comments if they aren’t spam but sometimes it takes me awhile. I love my readers so I will never flat-out ignore you unless there is something wrong or I am facing a crisis in my personal life. I even talk to the total assholes, which I don’t really love all that much but they’re still entitled to their shitty opinions, so bring it on.

Peace, Love and Happiness to you and yours ~ Nan 🙂


Victor Webster Eye Candy

So this is the newest guy to make it on my radar of some of the most smokin hot men alive and I pretty much JUST discovered him, but not really. You see Victor has been around so to speak…I mean he has been everywhere I just didn’t notice he was the same guy! It started with his stint on Days of our Lives, he was the super hot Nicholas Alamain. One day they sent little Nick (about 10 yrs old) away to boarding school or some shit like that and I don’t even know if it was a year later this gorgeous very adult sex God Nicholas came back. it was during the whole Billie Reed baby fiasco and Princess Gina/Hope thing; oh God…I can’t believe I ever watched that religiously but hey Jensen Ackles (another eye candy post) got his start there too 🙂

Anyway, Victor has been on so many shows I watch, from CSI Miami, to Bones and is now on the ever so awesome Continuum. He has also stared in about a million TV movies and shows I didn’t watch (the guy keeps busy) and has now taken over the role of Mathayus from the Scorpion King movies #3 and #4 which are one of my cheesy guilty pleasure type go to movies when I’m bored. I wish i could put all the sexy pics on this one page but they won’t fit…oh no, I might have to make a Victor Webster eye candy 2 and maybe even 3 😉

Here is a vid I recently found and was mildly disturbed yet at the same time extremely aroused….Victor Webster as Marco in the Chippendale Murders…trust me ladies it is an eye full and well worth watching 😀

you might wanna turn it down, it’s dubbed in another language

who wouldn't wanna see more of this gorgeous face :)

who wouldn’t wanna see more of this gorgeous face 🙂


There are just no words :O

There are just no words :O


and again...speechless

and again…speechless


5931defcb9b2f38816273eb8fe2046f9 normal_VictorWebster-PG0100-09 pic02 victor-webster victor-webster-10699 victor-webster-melrose-place-shirtless-photos-08062009-23

I'm pretty sure that all these luscious shots are from his Playgirl spread but really do we care?? Holy shit this man is hot :D

I’m pretty sure that all these luscious shots are from his Playgirl spread but really do we care?? Holy shit this man is hot 😀


How bout a ;little Sex in the would you like it if your neighbor answered the door looking like this?

How bout a ;little Sex in the City…how would you like it if your neighbor answered the door looking like this?


here he is as Brennan Mulwray on Mutant X he was sex incarnate in this role :p

here he is as Brennan Mulwray on Mutant X he was sex incarnate in this role :p


Who could forget Coop the Cupid on Charmed who fell in love with and I think actually married (?) Pheobe

Who could forget Coop the Cupid on Charmed who fell in love with and I think actually married (?) Pheobe

Here is this hottie with an amazing body at almost 40 in The Scorpion King 3 yummy :D

Here is this hottie with an amazing body at almost 40 in The Scorpion King 3 yummy 😀

ahhh, the shower scene on Continuum :D Victor plays Carlos Fonnegra the super hot cop who can handcuff me ANY day ;)

ahhh, the shower scene on Continuum 😀 Victor plays Carlos Fonnegra the super hot cop who can handcuff me ANY day 😉