Robstens and Krisbians ~ Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing

Beware; not everthing is what it appears to be

Well I had two different blogs all written out and ready to post and then everything I have to say just keeps pointing in the same direction so I am just going to write about the heart of the problemKrisbians, Robstens or Sheep whatever you want to call them, they are one in the same, fucking batshit crazy.  It seems that everyday I read something new from the sheep or they are showing their maniacal behavior towards the epic love that is Robsten or Rob and Kristen.  They just can’t seem to get enough of them, to the point that they need to project their sexual fantasies and basically live vicariously through two people that they have never met and for the most part probably never will meet.  Don’t get me wrong, I have not met them either and I have a snowballs chance in hell of  ever getting the

Why in such a rush to marry them off? You know what they say about married couples...

chance to cozy up in their love nest and sing songs by the fire while sharing hot pockets but I guess now days you just never know what can happen, so I keep hoping and praying it will happen just about as much as I plan on having Rob’s love child.  Oh wait isn’t Kristen supposed to pop that kid out any day now?  I mean she has been pregnant longer than most Indian elephantsIs this what Rob meant when he said the best day of his life was with an elephant??  Just kidding don’t rake me over the coals for that one.  Elephants have a gestation period of around 22 months and to my calculations that is about the time the initial pregnancy rumors started.     

Whose idea was it for this photoshoot? I would have shot them, yeah let's put a $1000 dress on a girl and make her look like crack addicted trailer trash. Fuck Kristen, you're too good for this one.

I suppose you are all wondering where this blog is coming from and then  again maybe not but sit down and shut up because I am gonna tell you anyway.  I just got done reading Kristen Stewart’s interview with Flaunt magazine and I don’t know if I would actually say that in the interview she came off as Mother Theresa but when I read it for the first time I gained an infinitesimal amount of respect for her but then I read it again.   You know every time I read something that she says I try so hard to look at the positive in it.  I know you Krisbians don’t think that I do, but I really do (I even tried with this horrible photo shoot).  I felt  so guilty when I read the article the first time because of some of the stuff she says people say about her which I have said  in the past, so I went to some of my friends

Now, see how pretty she looks here? You don't have to compromise and look trashy to look edgy

and I asked them if I was a terrible person.  Before you start thinking you know jack shit, NO they weren’t Nonstens that I went to, they were just people that know me really well, know what kind of person I am and the way I think.  I showed them the scans I had of the article and they read it and pointed out how full of herself and what a whiney brat Kristen sounded like (their words) but this blog isn’t really  much about Kristen or the lack of respect I have for her.  I think I have made how I feel about her fairly clear in some of my posts and NO I do not hate her or want her to die as some of you idiots have commented before and in fact that is exactly what prompted me to write this blog.  Sure I have written two “I hate Robsten” blogs and kind of touched bases on why I feel the way I do but right now we are going to get to the root of the problem…. I HATE SHEEP.     

This isn't funny or cute, it's sick

 Before you all get up in arms and call PETA, I’m not talking about that kind of sheep and no sheep will be harmed in this blog (well maybe mentally).  I of course am talking about the blind followers of the Krisbian religion and for those of you who have no clue what that is, it would be the people who worship Kristen Stewart.  Before you go and say “this broad is fucking crazy“, let me point out a picture made by a fan and also a little bible verse if that’s what you want to call it dedicated to their Messiah.    

Our Kristen, who art in heaven, Stewy be thy name. Thy kingdom come, haters will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day, our daily K and forgive us our twattering as we forgive those who twat against us. And lead us not just into temptation but deliver us from Ruth: For K is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and EVER!
Amen sista friend.

This is what true love looks like, not staring at your feet and scowling all the time

No matter what they want to believe, it is not the Nonstens or non believers that are mentally ill.  That statement above is just one instance that makes my skin just want to crawl right off of my body.  I don’t care what perception that the Krisbians have of the Nonsten site, NOTHING we have ever said comes close to the stuff that they say.     

 They want Robsten to be real so badly that they have been projecting it since day one and doing everything in their power at first to break up a seemingly very happy relationship between Kristen and Michael Arangano so they could live through the fantasy of Edward and Bella.  For anyone to give me some bullshit story saying that Rob and Kristen belonged together from the start, HOW THE FUCK WOULD YOU KNOW??  She was with someone for 3 years that she said was the love of her life and you guys had to go and

OMG!! Is that a little smile I see? It's not even at a work function, I knew you had it in you Krissy 🙂

say he was ugly, controlling and abusive among other things.  None of you knew this guy but I’ll tell you what, your  “Messiah” knew him and loved him and that should have been enough for you.  If breaking the two of them up wasn’t bad enough, I read on one girls Twitter a few months ago the most DISGUSTING thing.  She and her friends insinuated that Kris and Rob had an affair while she was with Mike and  she got pregnant and had an abortion to hide it all because Summit would not allow the two epic lovers to be together because it would ruin the movies..  OK that is where I draw the line at not only just calling them a bunch of sick fucks but also kind of understanding why Kristen possibly feels the way she does sometimes and why it seems like she hates her fans although she shouldn’t hate all of you and that is what pisses me off about her.  There’s only a very small group of assholes that feed the frenzy or at least I hope there are just a handful of them.    

This is one of the more tasteful manips so they can live out their sexual fantasies through "Robsten" I have seen. At least they didn't give her a giant Pamela Anderson size rack like they usually do

You know I actually feel pity for Kristen having some of you fans.  You think that you are doing her a service by being so vocal and fighting the good fight but what you are doing is crazy and you have caused more than one fan to just start to loathe her. You make her look ridiculous when you threaten people and tweet some of the stuff you do, take for instance the grown woman (yes I said grown woman) who wrote out a whole twitlonger tweet of a very explicit sexual fantasy of Rob and Kristen’s time in London right after Budapest.  This might not have been so bad, although it would have been bad enough, but she mentioned in great detail Rob’s genital size, shape and other lovely details. I am not going to go

Once again this is one of the tamer pics the sheep make to live out their Robsten fantasies, I'm a little afraid to know what they DO with the pics after they make them.

further because even someone like me that NEVER gets embarrassed by anything sexual as you can tell by reading my blog about sex, is just a little mortified thinking about it when it concerns real people especially Rob. She further went on to describe in great detail their sexual exploits from felatio to sexual positions and how he manually helped Kristen achieve climaxThis was all on TWITTER for the whole world to see. It took about two seconds for the Nonstens to find that little jewel and want to throw up over it.  Jesus, its one thing to post that shit on a private site that has that kind of thing on it but Twitter??  I had to laugh for a second at some of it, I mean besides the intrusive bullshit because this was obviously written by someone who doesn’t have a lot of experience with sex that was projecting their own sexual fantasies on “Robsten” and she had seriously read too much fan fic herself.  Anyone with actual knowledge of sex wouldn’t have written anything that way, it was like she picked a copy of penthouse “forum” and wrote directly from that.  Now I know why I have never read fan fiction in my life and the fact that it was about two actual people still just makes me sick.   

Like I said they make gun threats against people who don't worship Kristen. I removed Twitter names so I didn't give the little bitches the attention that they crave. click on pic to enlarge and read it

Then there are the hateful vengeful Robstens.  These are the ones that threaten others with guns because they don’t feel the same way that they do.  To them defending Kristen’s name whether warranted or not, is like guerrilla warfare and they have a take no prisoner’s kind of attitude.  Once again this is the kind of thing that actually tarnishes Kristen’s name to a lot of people that are on the fence about her. I still can’t believe that someone could even fathom making gun threats like this but they have made threats to bomb Summit for not letting Robsten come out so I guess anything is possible coming from these people that claim to be loving and peaceful and are constantly accusing the Nonstens or non believers of being haters and ready to kill their “BB” as you can read in the screen cap I provided from Twitter. Then there are the tweeters that say stuff like “I swear I’ll kill Summit if we don’t get R’sten pictures at Eclipse premiere”! She’s obviously not the brightest bulb in the bunch.  I guess she doesn’t know that making a death threat is a crime punishable with jail time. Then there’s of course there is the genius that made the bomb threat a few months ago:   

“oh summit better leave them alone before I bomb they studio Lmfao 🙂 Ugh I want them to come out and say they datin den again Joke or not this is also a crime and can equal serious jail time. <— This was her actual tweet, I would slash my wrists if my grammar was that bad.  (For the record I actually have all Twitter names for every tweet listed in the blog as well as IMDB, and other posters names but did not want to post for various reasons)  

If you look under the word SPECIAL, you will see that they have helped Rob and Kris pick a baby name out. Isn't that just cute and totally fucking creepy.

Yeah and they say that Nonstens need psychiatric help.  I am sorry but that is just sad and pathetic.  Just so everyone reading this knows I realize that not all of you are crazy and I hope that those of you that aren’t completely deranged  will understand now why I write what I do.  It is really not about hatred for Kristen, I swear.  I just don’t like her or her attitude and that is not a crime but what I do hate is the fandom that surrounds her.  These people make photo manips with pictures of  “Robsten” and their fictional baby which they have already named for them.  They are all ready to pick out china patterns and flower arrangements for their wedding.  You think I am kidding but I am not, this Robsten thing is really more of a sickness than people realize.  These two are NOT Edward and Bella, they are two people and just because I don’t see an epic affair does not make me the crazy one, after all I haven’t named their baby yet or contacted Monique Lhuillier about a wedding dress.  The

So the sheep are just so sure that she will be wearing this on her ring finger any day now. Hell maybe she will but if she is it is probably just to fuck with you sheep. I think she totally gets off on it.

latest?  Kristen has a ring on her right hand middle finger that looks like a wedding band.  They claim she and Rob secretly married in Budapest on her birthday because he was seen in a tux. For the record he was filming a wedding scene for the movie Bel Ami and even one of the sheep’s own, a fan of Kristen’s said she’s had the ring for a few months now and Rob was working in Europe when she got it.  They won’t believe it though; they only believe what they want.     

This isn't cheating, it's called working. Besides it's only cheating if Rob and Kristen admit to a relationship and call it cheating

Well I have made my point before at the horrible things they say about Rob or how many times they have threatened him because he has “cheated on Robsten” which is just the most asinine thing I have ever heard of but still they do it all in Kristen’s name, yet they harp on us for thinking Rob should not be Kristen’s friend, which is stupid and completely untrue.  So as Rob’s friend/possible lover what makes you think she

OMG, Rob is cheating on kristen again...wait, no he's not. What's there to cheat on?

wants you guys to stab him for doing his job with Emilie De Ravin, have his plane crash in the Pacific for not bailing on his work and not coming home for Valentines (even though he was in London and he was flying over the Atlantic, smart ones) death via taxi or any other kind of harm to him?  You also say vile things about Nikki Reed and Taylor Lautner. One question, why so much hate towards Nikki? Is it that she possibly dated Rob in the past and so she delayed the epic love affair that wasn’t?  There is just one problem with that theory, Michael. Kristen was dating him while Rob and Nikki were “buddies“.   The things you say and the names I have seen you come up with for her on Twitter are disgusting.  I wrote about some ofthe things you say in one of my blogs but I won’t mention the Twitter names because they are disgusting and it pisses me off to no end.  The reality is, I am sure she is a better person than any of you could ever dream of being.     

I rememebr when these pics came out women all over wished he was 18 years old but not me, hey I may be a cougar just not THAT much of one. He was just a baby

Then there’s Taylor.  Poor Taylor, he’s only guilty of having a brain, speaking clearly and acting professionally, being nice to his fans…oh yeah and ALWAYS smiling. You call him things like failor, failcob or a well oiled machine (I think that was it). You think he’s a cockblocker for your beloved Robsten whenever he has to go on Press tours or talk shows with Rob and Kristen and wish death upon him but he is doing his fucking job people whether you like it or not, so get over it.  What, is he just supposed to quit the Saga so it is all about Edward and Bella and never promote his work?  I swear that is how you all act.  For that matter I think you would all be happy if Rob quit, the way that some of you talk, so it would just all be about Kristen since none of you seem to like Rob at all. To prove my point about this, keep reading just to see the lovely things Kristen’s fans have to say about her “beloved”.   

Here are some delightful things that the Krisbians have said about Rob, which in my eyes is kind of crazy considering he is after all in their minds one half of Robsten:    

Rob doing promo for Harry Potter long before he knew Kristen running hands through his hair

Some idiot on Rob’s IMDB board actually had the nerve to say that he was copying Kristen in everything he does (that’s rich).  One girl said he runs his fingers through his hair, dresses like her, wears the same shoes, bought the same Kindle among other things.  This is laughable at best seeing as how he is the one that has been dressing like this since he came to America, had the Kindle first and the shoes?? Who knows and who cares but I suspect that Kristen got hers afterwards because she likes to fuck with you guys.  My favorite quote though was this:    

“plz the only reason you picked up a guitar Rob was b/c Kristen picked up a guitar in Into the wild. I mean you said you watched that movie & loved her in it so yeah basically Rob you COPIED her by playing the guitar!”    

Rob playing guitar and performing long before he met Kristen

Rob learned how to play guitar when he was something like 5, right?  Well Kristen is 20, so I guess she must have started filming Into the Wild, when she was about 1 years old if we use this person’s logic.  I swear some people are beyond moronic and need to stop.  Kristen Stewart did not start every fashion trend, she is not the only person to read a book or buy a kindle. She is also not the only person to run her hand through her hair or wear Adidas and most importantly PLAY A GUITAR.  I do not understand the thoughts behind statements like these.    

a pic from the DETAILS shoot; believe me it could have been worse and I think it's kinda hot

Then someone had the audacity to make a comment attacking Rob AND his parents because of the Negro comment made in the Details interview which was done by Jenny Lumet whose grandmother Lena Horne is a woman of color.  Jenny is actually the one that brought up the word Negro but all anyone remembers is Rob’s response. It obviously was not too offensive if Jenny left it in the article.  This same woman who made the comment below was also freaking out about the explicit pictures of Rob and nude women in the magazine claiming that it was a disgrace and hurtful to Kristen.  Personally I thought they were very tasteful (and extremely hot) and could have been a lot worse.  I guess she forgot about Adam Lamberts pics just a few months earlier with his face burried in the naked models crotch and biting on her nipple. Here is what she had to say about Rob:        


Well, this is courtesy of a Rob fan who made a manip of Lambert's shoot in Details with Rob's head attached. I think this might have been a little more offensive to MOST people (but not me, it's still kinda hot)

It doesn’t surprise me that Rob would make that comment. He looks like a bigot. Robert is not educated, he never stepped foot in college, his hygiene is poor. His parents look like alcoholics, He has issues with alcohol and god knows what drugs. He is the classic case of white trash. People who hate people for the color of their skin are people who come short as humans so therefore the only way they can feel good about themselves is to put other people down. If every one was white then they would find another reason to hate, perhaps judging people by their height or by hair color or eye color. People like that make me ashamed I’m white. Rob you can put lipstick on a pig but it will always be a pig.    

 I have never been as angry at someone for making a post like I was at this one for going after his parents.  Complete ignorance and hurtful behavior achieves nothing but that is clearly what a good majority of the Robstens stand for.  If it is not the way they feel it should be they attack anyone or thing that they think stands in the way of “Robsten”.  It’s sick really.    

When someone from Nonsten (you know us evil murderous folks) went to Delaney and KStew411 who the majority of the “sheep” go to for their Robsten info, said that we were not violent and were not threatening Kristen like we had been accused of, did they go to their followers and assure them that we meant no harm to her?  Of course not, they just kept tweeting to the masses as though they had never heard a word.     

I spoke of Delaney in another blog about her legal troubles with Summit Entertainment and she loves to play the victim and somehow suspects and has told everyone that the Nonstens are behind her troubles.  Her arrogance and stupidity is what got her in trouble but she will never admit that.  I suspect this is why she is constantly trying to rally the sheep and incite hatred but she also incites violence whether she knows it or not which if it anything comes to fruition because of it, it will cause a whole different set of legal problems for her.   

Some of the tweets in response to hers are below (I think it is fairly obvious what the tweets from her would have had to have been to get these kinds of responses):    

“Can that get reported or something? Hey, you never know if those psychos are planning something. They seem delusional”  “do you mind telling me what site it is? thanks…”  “The ppl on that site are fcked up…Do R/K know how crazy some of Rob’s fans are?”  “Why would anyone threaten Kristen? :/”     

"The Awful Truth" is that a grown man is obsessed with something as dumb as Robsten

Here are some little jewels that came from Ted Casablanca’s Awful Truth board (he’s another sweetie pie) that were aimed directly at some of our members of Nonsten and the funny thing is they are moderated before being posted.  Apparently these lovely things are alright to post but none of my responses have been able to pass moderation and they have never been this offensive.  I suppose they wouldn’t post them because they mention I am a Nonsten and Ted is Pro-Robsten all the way.    Here are their idea of acceptable posts over at E! online’s The Awful Truth: 

“You lie with pigs, you catch their grunt. Deny it all you want, but you, my dear, are a pig. because like pigs, you dwell in the mud. Some of your compadres admitted to whining to Summit over Delaney releasing those pictures. Go back and play in the mud pig. You guys probably didn’t realize the bad publicity he was mud pig. Go back to your filthy site and wallow in the dirt and vileness you guys spew there.”    <— no one admitted anything because we didn’t do anything.  Delaney told them we did it.

If we run out, we can borrow some from the fat Nonstens. Vibrators are their only outlets. We can feel the love instead of devoting our lives to hating a teenage girl whose dating the real version of our rubbing pillow. How are you guys at Nonsten? Have you rubbed your RPattz pillows raw yet?”  <— I am almost afraid to ask what exactly their “rubbing pillow”  is.

Hi fatty! Let’s talk about how one of you and your fat whales threatened to physically hurt Kristen if she showed up at Rob’s RM premiere. It’s well known that you big FAT cry babies got in touch with Summit over Delaney’s Eclipse pics. She got those pics from someone cough*Rob’s management cough* to help clean up his image. And that is why nothing will come from the lawsuit. So laugh yourselves to death. I’m sure Delaney is laughing over it too.”   <— blaming Rob’s management for releasing pictures to clean his image for what?  He didn’t do anything wrong except piss off Robstens for “disrespecting” Kristen by posing with naked women.  (It was awesome, way to go Rob, you need to do that again REALLY soon)

From Roberts IMDB forum: Kristen’s fans have taken over and no fan of Rob that is not a fan of Robsten can post without being attacked:
“He isn’t talented and he can’t even sing and to be honest he is ugly and stupid. If he wasn’t an actor he would be selling fast foodI don’t think that anyone really wants to work with him, but EVERYONE wants to work with Kristen. I hear they all laugh behind his back, I heard that too“After BD he will be jobless and Kristen will have an Oscar”      <—- I really don’t think I should say anything here because it would be really mean towards Kristen, OK yes I will…Oscar, before Rob, seriously?? Yeah right. Rob won’t have jobs? What jobs does Kristen have right now??? Oh yeah, possibly one if they get funding. Who does this bitch think she is?  Here is another little jewel, make sure and look at the last line in the screen cap:

The bottom line was what I was most concerned with but yet they are always accusing us of threatening to hurt Kristen. Pot meet Kettle. Click on pic to enlarge.

The Nonsten/Robsten “battle” (which I don’t see anything as a battle, I just don’t share their beliefs) has been compared to the Shiites and Sunnis, we have been likened to Hitler and Satan for not believing in Robsten and we also had someone think that having Rob and Kristen apart is like the holocaust to some people.  I am sorry but that is ignorant, fucked up and disgusting.  The day that I care more about whether Robsten is more real than actual genocide happening, someone needs to just go out and shoot me and for the record,  I will go willingly if that day ever comes.    

 This is what we deal with on Twitter all in the good name of Kristen:   They are actual unedited tweets ( I actually know how to speak and spell English for the most part) 

For those of you Nonstens who say try want to kill Kristen I will also kill you so watch what u say and watch your back you fukin bastards”  “ I’m sorry if this sounds crude but really… Nonstens should suck my Robsten dick. Oh yeah, i went there.”  “Oh Nonstens don’t kill yourself! Oh, yes, DO IT! It’s a benefit to the World”      

Two of the most disgusting and vile comments that they think are cute just to try and hurt us: (all it did is disgust me and make me feel embarrassed for Rob and Kristen that they actually have fans like this)

One of the funniest comments Ive ever seen. Every time Rob makes Kris come, another Nonsten dies.” LMAO.”  “Yaaaaas all ye fuckin Nonsten  eat shiiiiit, why the fuck would K be in Budafucking pest if it wasn’t to suck off Rob, hahahahahahahaha!”  (God, on the first one they couldn’t even spell cum right, fucktards what are they 12?)    

I don't think you guys understand. It doesn't matter whose right or wrong about Robsten, these tweets would be mortifying to anyone they were about

I am still not sure what anyone on the Nonsten site supposedly said to garner the kind of attention that we get, especially the threats.  I have been

Kristen looking like she could use a good shampoo

a member since the beginning of September and the only thing I remember was someone joking about throwing soap and shampoo Kristen’s way when she showed up to some event looking like crap (God knows they have said a lot worse about Rob’s hygiene).  It got blown out of proportion by a shipper saying we would throw tomatoes at her if she showed up at the Remember Me premier and one of our girls said she wouldn’t waste the tomato.  Then they said we wanted to hurt her and how they got that idea, I have no clue. This all led to the threats against US with guns.  Now if joking about throwing shampoo means we deserve to get shot, then please tell

Watch out my tomato might try and hunt Kristen down and kill her *rolls eyes*

me what do some of these Krisbians deserve with their threats to Rob?  Oh that’s right; it is only bad if it is aimed at Kristen because Rob doesn’t matter in the Krisbian world unless he’s part of Robsten.    

Anytime anyone opens their mouth and even says anything about  Kristen whether it is clearly a joke or not they are accused of having some nefarious plot to kill or maim her.  Just because some of us thought it was distasteful (which it was) of her to show up and take attention from Rob’s movie premier and draw all the attention to the “Robsten”

Kristen Stewart "keeping something for herself" including all the attention that should have been on Emilie De Ravin and Rob at the Remember Me premier

phenomenon, obviously that equated   to a death threat in the Robsten/Krisbian world.  Go figure. They also somehow thought we would show up to the Oscars and try and kill Kristen.  Now not only is this completely ludicrous but also totally impossible.  Does anyone think that someone could even  get close enough to any of these stars to cause any harm to them (not that we would ever want to)?  Besides it was you Krisbians that threatened Taylor Lautner for being the one to take Kristen to the Oscars and not Rob (once again he was supposed to drop everything to stand by his true loves side).  I think this was a double whammy; you threatened both of the boys if I remember correctly.        

Kristen looked really happy but she also looked really butch.

The sheep go on a hateful rampage whenever you speak your mind about your opinions about anything concerning Kristen or Robsten. They get pissed off and assume that we have some sick delusions of being with Rob although we don’t know him. The ironic thing about this is not only do they show incredible hate towards Rob if he is not showing just the right amount of Robsten love towards Kristen when they deem it important, but they start campaigns to make his movies fail and spread horrible rumors. They freak out when some people insinuate they think  Kristen might be gay yet a lot of female sheep make sexual comments geared towards Kristen; mind you these are women with Twitter names like KStewsButt, KStewsmouth, Kstewvajayjay, InKstewsPants and ImHorny4Kristen. Although the comments are sometimes subtle, the innuendo is there. The reality is that you fantasize and lust after her like she is a goddess for some unholy reason.    

So this is what you all love, lust after and worship, but do you even know why?

What I don’t understand is the love, lust or what it is that you feel and makes you worship herShe is just a person.  God knows Rob is an outstanding person but I certainly do not worship him and I do not consider him my Messiah because that is seriously fucked up guys, anyway you look at it.  I get it, you like her; you think we should all see something in her but we don’t so now whatI don’t tell you all that you should fucking die a horrible death or threaten to shoot you because you don’t like Rob apart from Robsten.  Please don’t tell me that you do like him or that I am a shitty fan of his because I don’t like his “true love” because that is a load of fucking shit.  Number one they are not conjoined twins so therefore I do not have to like her to like him and number two I have read so many things from you sheep whenever things are not perfect in the Robsten bubble to suggest that you absolutely hate Rob with a passion when he is not with Kris that if you claim otherwise you are total hypocrites.    

The most famous, sought after and private actress in the world..yet all she does is give a little smile and a wave and the papz get out of her face. Take note of this Kris

I also get so sick of you all making excuses for her behavior and Kristen doesn’t seem to give a fuck about any of it, so it really rings hollow to me when one second she is going on about how much she loves the fans when not too long ago she was calling us retards (yes I was actually a fan not too long ago) and fienders, although she has a point about the latter.  She whines about her horrible life and acts like she is the only star in Hollywood that has ever been chased down by a cameraman or had to deal with crazy fans.  The funny thing is the rest of the actors for the most part have learned to deal with it.  You can all sit back and say well they are not Kristen Stewart or part of Robsten and I will fucking laugh in your face and say get real.  There are much bigger stars out there than Kristen Stewart and they seem to manage everyday with the papz and

This is actually one of the better ones, at least she's not sporting the infamous bitchface

fans.  You see, it’s called a little smile and a waveOh yeah, Kristen doesn’t smile…scratch that.  She needs to quit looking at her fucking feet and let them take the picture and leave.  Believe me they will get bored soon, there is nothing that special about KStew or Robsten that garners papz 24/7.  Other actors and actresses do it everyday and believe me they are much more famous and more sought after. I think that other movie stars have found a way to deal with the papz and balance personal and professional careers and are still none the worse for it.  Are there gonna be crazies out there?  Of course, (look in the mirror sheep) they will never go away but you just have to chalk it up to being part of your job no matter how much you hate it. Either deal with it or get another fucking job, plain and simple.  It is the price of fame and you guys need to quit calling everyone (not only Nonstens) who gets on her about her attitude haters.    

Wow she MUST know about you, look she's wearing a shirt in your honor with sheep on it...must be love.

So I am wondering if Kristen knows about you guys or even gives a shit about you.  Is all the hatred you spew towards anyone that does not love her even worth anything or are you just doing it in hopes that maybe just maybe one day she will come and reciprocate that love for you and reward all this hatred?  I guarantee, no matter what a little self absorbed brat I personally think she is, I certainly do not go around and spread hate everywhere all over the internet or threaten people when they have different beliefs than I do (I keep my opinions on my own site).  You may not agree with what I say about Kristen but I have never once said anything that is actually that hateful about her.  You all perceive that I hate her because I don’t kiss the fucking ground she walks onCalling her a spoiled brat, thinking everything she does is all about PR or saying I don’t believe in an epic love that is Robsten does not equal hate.  I just think she needs to stop whining about how hard and horrible her life is.  She makes enough money to feed a 3rd world country for a year with each movie she makes, not to mention people like me that can’t work due to medical conditions that have kids would be happy to make a fraction of what she does and we’d be smiling ALL THE TIME, not to mention just to be in Rob’s presence as a friend or whatever, I don’t think I could ever quit smiling, you would NEVER see a scowl on my face.   She needs to quit being a hypocrite saying that she has to keep something for herself when she actually keeps NOTHING for herself and it is also time to grow up.  She is not a teen or little girl anymore she is a grown woman and she needs to act like it and be accountable for her actions.  No one expects any more from Kristen Stewart than they do of themselves or at least I don’t.  So if you see me as a hater, then so be it but I still guarantee that nothing I say compares to the shit you Krisbians spew and I don’t threaten to kill anyone for hating Rob, I just think it is foolish and I won’t lie, it upsets and concerns me a little when I see the threats and heinous shit you write about him but not so much that I go on a crazy rampage either.  

Somewhere back in reality Rob and Kris are out doin their own thing but for now the sheep are getting off to shit like this, but there is far worse out there than this.

I can pretty much guarantee without a doubt that none of this vile shit you do impresses Kristen or Rob and if I was either one of them, I would seriously be creeped out by some of the shit you sheep do but that’s just me.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t think they would be all that impressed with me either (except for speaking my mind and speaking the truth).  I mean where do you guys draw a line between reality and fantasyThe twitter sex fantasies, the manips (yes I have seen the sexual ones that are even more explicit that the ones posted) and then there is the hatred towards ANYONE that doesn’t agree with you?  you go on attack whenever anyone is critical of Kristen, tweets something about her or says something you believe to be untrue because it doesn’t fall in line with the Robsten fantasy.  You can’t claim EVERYONE is a hater and you may think you know what is happening between them but seriously none of us really know the truth, we can all only speculate and no matter how much you want to argue this point you can’t.    

I wanted to add something to this because my son’s girlfriend asked me how old you sheep could possibly be after reading some of this shit and she said that she didn’t think any of you have any real concept of what love was or knew the difference between love and obsessions so here you go, here is some light reading and hopefully you might learn something from it…somehow I doubt it.


So, I just did a basic Twitter search looking for something else last night and found these insane quotes from sheep.  It just further goes to prove my theory that the Robstens are truly insane…    

“Robsten on Oprah, this was the best day of my life”   <— If this is the best day of someone’s life I think they need to re-evaluate what their life is really about.

“Oprah and Robsten are truly a gift from God”  <— A gift from God?? Really….There are really just no words for this one, I’m sorry.


  1. damn Nan. you really compiled some evidence there! nicely done!


  2. I agree 100%.


  3. You nailed it. I completely agree with your post.


  4. Great blog I think you nailed it too.


  5. “It seems that everyday I read something new from the sheep or they are showing their maniacal behavior towards the epic love that is Robsten or Rob and Kristen. ”

    Well, you could stop reading their opinions if it bothers you. But you don’t. So you must be interested in what they have to say. You “hate” these people, you’ve said so yourself. So why can’t you stay away from them? Why can’t you stop yourself from obsessively searching for their tweets?

    You don’t really like Kristen, but you sure do read about her and think about her and write about her A LOT. Why is that? Why are you so drawn to this insufferable girl?

    Too much.It’s ironic that many Nonstens say that they’re sick of having Kristen Stewart shoved down their throats, they’re sick of the all the BS from the “sheep,” but they are unable to stay away from either. They follow her news and they follow her fans on twitter and on fan sites. What is this preoccupation you have with Kristen Stewart and her fans especially? Like you said, Kristen doesn’t give a shit about any of us, so why do you care so much about her?

    You could ask me why I’m here if I don’t like what you have to say. Good question. The answer: because you keep talking about people like me. You talk about Kristen fans (“sheep,” as you call us, because you don’t even view us as human beings) all the time, so I come here to get a feel for your extreme prejudices. I visit for the same reason.


    • Gourd:

      It seems my dear you and I just keep going back and forth about this. Each time I write a blog you come and critique and so forth. If it was as simple as just hitting a mute button or turning something off, I would be glad to just shut Robsten out of the world, God believe that, but I am not willing to close my Twitter account or stop going on Facebook and stop writing about the things I write about and are relevant at the time. Does kristen Stewart bug me?? Yeah but I also feel compelled to put my opinions and thoughts on paper about her… see it is what writers and bloggers do. You do not have to come to my tiny little blog and read it and I don’t put out a full page ad in the Times for people to come here, I just write because I love to and I write about what I want to and what I feel at the time. Now as far as Kristen being shoved down my throat 24/7, I think you misunderstood that whole comment. I just do not want to hear about her being the most fierce, badass, sexy, hot, stewyliscious greatest actress of her generation 24 fucking 7. If I heard normal news from a normal news source like Kristen Stewart aquired a job doing “insert whatever the fuck it might be” I might be intrerested in it. If I could hear something that was not so biased about her that made her seem like a person on a whole instead of always having to rely on Rob’s fame yet making it out to be Rob that is relying on her fame (you know for “making him”) that just wasn’t shoving Robsten up my ass then I would have a little easier time with little miss Kris.

      “Too much.It’s ironic that many Nonstens say that they’re sick of having Kristen Stewart shoved down their throats, they’re sick of the all the BS from the “sheep,” but they are unable to stay away from either. They follow her news and they follow her fans on twitter and on fan sites.”

      You are kidding me right? Nonsten’s follow Robsten’s? I can tell you one thing it is the sheep that flock to Nonsten non stop whenever there is one little thing in Robstenville that could be amiss just to see what we are saying about it and then go and post it all on Twitter. You can’t imagine how many times just for Kicks I have gone and done a search of “nonsten” on Twitter and it is the “SHEEP” who are the ones baaahing the loudest my dear. Where the hell do you think these tweets came from? All you have to do is a basic search on Twitter and see what they have to say. Sometimes it’s like winning a round of bingo and somedays you hit the lotto with their craziness.

      “You could ask me why I’m here if I don’t like what you have to say. Good question. The answer: because you keep talking about people like me. You talk about Kristen fans (“sheep,” as you call us, because you don’t even view us as human beings)”

      Awwwe Gourd, not all Kristen fans are sheep. Just the blind followers but if you want to consider yourself one, go for it. If you come here only for my extreme predjudices, I really think you might want to re-read this blog again VERY CAREFULLY. I stated facts here. Lets talk about the predjudice against Rob AND his parents for a comment that was taken so out of context and blown out of proportion by who??? Oh yeah, the SHEEP, because they were all pissed off and looking for something to be mad at and attack him for. I read through every single comment at Details when they came out and for research and the majority of commenters were more concerned with Kristens feelings on a whole than anythign else that was said or done in that article, yet we have people that need to find a way to attack someone in the most hurtful way by going after their parents. That woman who said she was ashamed to be white because Rob made a negro comment made me ashamed to be in the same fucking human race as her. Don’t talk to me about predjudice honey, I state opinions and believe me I have never called any of you sheep fat vibrator sharing whales that have rubbed your RPattz pillows raw yet or whatever the fuck those Awful Truth statements read. They talk about us going back to the vile board where we spew hatred but yet they spew their vitiolic comments for the world to see on a much more publicized site like E! online.

      To tell the truth I am really surprised that none of you have turned me in to @Twilight again as usual for being a hate blog. I am curious, are the sheep afraid that they might be outed once and for all for the vile creatures they really are and not the adoring fans they pretend to be? At least I don’t pretend. Either deal with it or read someone else’s opinion of Stewy’s fierce little badass sexy ways, cuz you ain’t gonna find it here.


      • Oh heaven help you, Nan. You are a grown-up for goodness sake. You could be Kristen Stewart’s mother. It doesn’t make sense that this girl has this much power over you.

        Look, I’m sorry that thinking about Kristen Stewart sends you into an apoplectic rage, but I’m happy that you have your blog to work through all the anger. I can’t imagine carrying this much hatred inside without an outlet. It’s bad for the heart.

        I’ll look forward to your next exegesis on Kristen Stewart and her fans.

        Until then.


        • “Oh heaven help you, Nan. You are a grown-up for goodness sake. You could be Kristen Stewart’s mother”.

          Well Gourd, If I was Kristens mom she wouldn’t be the snot nosed self absorbed little brat that she is. See I actually try to take time with my kids no matter how busy I am or they are to keep them in check. That’s why my kids are all either in school or they actually finished when they were supposed to. They have lives and friends, they don’t smoke and do drugs and unlike her parents who find that acceptable, I don’t so I would have put a stop to that in a NY second. You may argue that poor Kristen is busy, she is an actress she should just be able to do what she wants and her parents are busy…every excuse in the book, I have read it and heard it. The truth is there are plenty of busy actors out there that lead normal lives and get normal educations and grow up well balanced because they have good parents (take Dakota Fanning for instance) so yeah if I was her parent I like to think she might have turned out differently but who knows.

          “It doesn’t make sense that this girl has this much power over you”.

          I wouldn’t give Kristen Stewart enough power to send me into an apolplectic rage and to tell the thruth her fans really don’t either but they do bug the fuck out of me. Gourd do you really think after all I have lived through I would give THAT much power to someone I don’t even like? You all assume just because I write about something in passionate way and put the facts out there in this case that I am filled with rage and hatred. God I don’t hate Kristen, I just don’t think she is anything that you fans make her out to be and she needs someone to snap her back into reality. All I continually say is this girl needs to grow up and be accountable and everyone freaks out and calls me a hater…why?

          If these statement were applied to ANYONE else, even another actress say Lindsey Lohan, you guys would all agree because to everyone in the free world Lindsey is considered a trainwreck. The funny thing is Lindsey may be a trainwreck now but once upon a time not that long ago, she had a good attitude about her life and was even thankful. Even with the shitty non attentive parents she had she still seemed to have it together for however brief of a moment that was. Maybe it was fans like Kristen has that drove her to what she has become, god knows but at least she seemed grateful for her life at one point. God hope that nothing like what happened to Lindsey ever happenes to Kristen…but being the “hater” that I am I suppose you all think I can’t wait for that day.

          “I’ll look forward to your next exegesis on Kristen Stewart and her fans. Until then.”

          As far as my next post Gourd, whatever that might be I look forward to you coming and picking it apart and for us having another delightful sparing round.

          Nan 🙂


  6. I bow down to you, you got it so right. Those manips scare the shit outta me and like you I’m very open minded but I don’t sit and daydream about someone’s love/sex life.


    • Thanks babygirl and I hope you found what you were looking for on the rest of the site. If not text me and I will let you know where to look. Love you 😀


  7. @Gourd I believe this is about people that are obsessed with Rob & Kris “love life” not about Kristen’s fans so I’m not sure why you’re are offended!?!


  8. wow you hit this nail right on the head. and you sound like a lawyer with a good case lol. stated the problem, your opinion and back everything up with facts. i couldn’t agree with you more. the kstew lovers are crazy with how they act and things they say….and they call us nonstens crazy? please look in the mirror


    • There will always be people with a difference of opinion and I get that. I just wanted to show anyone that actually does come here that I have a reason to write the things I do. I am not just on the attack to beat up these poor innocent souls just for loving on a poor little girl. That is a total crock of shit and they know it. No one ever expected me to write something like this and there for once they read it they didn’t dare turn me into Summit as they have with every other blog that had a negative view of Kristen. I really hope someone that reads this DOES send this link to Summit or @Twilight and tell them they actually need to read it and it is important to see who their fans really are. They can judge for themselves who is crazy and who is sane. Come on Sheep what are you afraid of? Are you afraid that Kristen will somehow see this and know just what psychos you really are? Send the link, I dare ya


  9. NANS…you are my hero! that is all….


    • Thanks! I hope you guys will all check back later because something tells me I am gonna get an onslaught of sheep on the attack in 4, 3 ,2, 1….my blog is going out over the crazy wire to all Krisbians/Robstens and sheep any minute now. This might be fun 😀 Oh well, I didn’t have much planned for tonight, so I guess they can bring it on.


  10. Once again, your blog post does not disappoint. Man, there are some wackos out there. Death threats against Nonstens and Summit?! WTH?
    I agree with you totally about calling KStew out on purposely not smiling and looking at her shoes to avoid the paps. Here is the thing. The paps are taking her picture anyway, why not give them a little something, even if it’s a natural, no expression face rather than going out of your way to make it look like you have smelled something bad only to have to defend yourself later in a magazine that you are not a miserable person.
    I’ll never understand her way of thinking regarding her personal life. She had no problem with PDA with Michael, but no all of a sudden because it could be Rob, she has an issue with it? That seems a bit backwards to me.


    • She wants it to be exactly how it is. It keeps her in everyone’s minds and on ever tabloid. Don’t think for a second that this is about her being miserable, she gains too much out of all this publicity. It may bug her but the rewards she gets probably outweigh the bullshit she has to deal with. I am just sick of hearing or reading about how horrible her life is and what she has to deal with. If it is a true fact that she hates it and wants it to stop (yeah right) then she knows how to put a stop to it. Either come out and spill about the epic love, tell the truth about the PR or get out of the profession that requires you to play these type of games…plain and simple


  11. I don’t think I’ve read such a long blog post filled with such misogyny in a long time. Congratulations. There’s already enough discrimination and hatred towards women in the world and this kind of viciousness just reflects poorly upon females as a whole. I’m baffled why you continue to obsess over an actor and disparage the person he works with that he both greatly respects and admires. For every extreme that the shippers go to, you take it to the next level of negativity. You really need to ask yourself why you take so much pleasure in picking apart the character of someone you don’t personally know and come up with numerously pathetic delusions to justify your misogyny. This is why women can never hope to be on equal footing with men in the world. It’s because of blackhearted and small minded shrews like you.


    • “It’s because of blackhearted and small minded shrews like you.”

      Really, so I guess my “black heart” gives peope the right to threaten me with gun, call me some vibrator sharing whale who uses a rubbing pillow (whatever the fuck that is). It is OK for them to threaten to bomb places because they are denying Robsten? This was NOT about Kristen Stewart. This was about people like you who obviously worship her for some ungodly reason. I don’t give a shit if Rob Pattinson respects or admires her although I still wouldn’t understand it because she has shown nothing to admire in my opinion. She is not fierce and in my opinion she is a hypocrite with her “keeping something for herself” yet she never seems to do that AT ALL, but once again that is just my opinion and I am but ONE PERSON in the millions of people that know who Kristen Stewart is. I find it funny you are talking to me about discimination and hatred, I mean did you even read the blog besides what you clearly wanted to see which was anything negative I had to say about Kristen?? What makes you think I obsess over Rob Pattinson? I don’t think I have written a blog about him in probably a year, most of these were actually moved from facebook to here. If I obsessed over him, I would be writing about him constantly but I am not. I do however write about the relevant things and things you read about all the time. Guess what that is? Robsten. You can’t get away from it, so instead of writing some fluff bullshit piece of crap like you see in every magazine, I give my honest opinion like any blogger would do. I’m not the first and I won’t be the last. For you to try and say that I am more extreme than the shippers is a load of fucking crap and you know it my dear. I have never threatened anyone, I have never said the kind of vile things they do on a DAILY basis and just because I don’t worship someone like they are my goddess does not make me a misogynist. I am not picking her apart, I am calling her out and god knows I have been called out a time or two in my life. If happens to the best of us. What is she just supposed to get a fucking pass because she is Kristen Stewart? I think not. This girl puts herself out there and I have the right to form an opinion of her. I think she needs to pull her head out of her ass and grow up. She needs to quit complaining about her “shitty” life that most would kill to have and quit being a hypocrite. I don’t have pathetic delusions, I live in the real world unlike most of Kristens fans. I have been through too much in my life to “come up with numerously pathetic delusions to justify your misogyny” as you say. I am sure my tiny blog is the sole reason that women today can never hope to be on an equal footing with men in the world…Oh please excuse me while I go curl up and cry in the fetal position.

      Thanks for commenting,
      from one small minded shrew to another 🙂


      • *****If I obsessed over him, I would be writing about him constantly but I am not.******

        No, you write about Kristen Stewart constantly instead.

        ******* I am sure my tiny blog is the sole reason that women today can never hope to be on an equal footing with men in the world*****

        You can’t be this obtuse. You perpetuate misogyny, you contribute to it. It’s not about worshiping Kristen Stewart, it’s the fact that you are committed to tearing her down.


        • Ummm Gourd come on girl you are here aren’t you? Yes you obsess over Rob Pattinson it is alright you just need to come out of the closet and deal:)


    • ********I don’t think I’ve read such a long blog post filled with such misogyny in a long time. Congratulations. There’s already enough discrimination and hatred towards women in the world and this kind of viciousness just reflects poorly upon females as a whole. I’m baffled why you continue to obsess over an actor and disparage the person he works with that he both greatly respects and admires. For every extreme that the shippers go to, you take it to the next level of negativity. You really need to ask yourself why you take so much pleasure in picking apart the character of someone you don’t personally know and come up with numerously pathetic delusions to justify your misogyny.*******

      AMEN! I was tempted to discuss the anti-feminist implications of these posts, but didn’t have the strength. Thank you for this, annasaurusss, whoever you are.


      • And Gourd you know Rob respects and thinks the world of Kristen because you know him personally right? You are not going by the blogs and mags you read right because that would make you a hipocrite. So before you blast someone for just posting their “opinion” you should check facts. No one knows what R/K feel or do but we can see and form our own opinion. And if you don’t like it go to I am sure they will appreciate your comments:)


        • ******And Gourd you know Rob respects and thinks the world of Kristen because you know him personally right?****

          I never said that. I never even mentioned Robert Pattinson. You did. Which is very interesting.

          *****No one knows what R/K feel

          Never said that either. Again, interesting that my criticisms are being read as a R and K/Rosbsten defense. It makes sense though, since I suspect that this entire diatribe can be linked back to Nan’s personal feelings about R and K and their relationship. I think my suspicions are dead on.


          • “I’m baffled why you continue to obsess over an actor and disparage the person he works with that he both greatly respects and admires”


            I am fairly sure that this is the statement that Lisa was referring to and don’t even try and pretend you weren’t speaking about Rob. Aside from that, you are actually wrong about this blog ONLY being about my feelings towards Robsten, I mean it’s no secret how I feel and obviously it has something to do with it because where there is Robsten there are sheep or Krisbians. The blog is about the scary revelation of how the sheep act and react to anyone who does not fall in line with their beliefs or is outspoken what so ever. You know I wouldn’t care that much if there was a group of crazy Kristen fans that were loud and obnoxiously loving on their goddess, but when they become violent and they threaten not only other fans but make threats against the other actors because they are not doing what THEY deem important, it turns into something complelety different. Are we Rob fans obnoxious at times?? I am sure we are to some people but I haven’t seen anyone actually threaten (aside from in the sheeps minds) Kristen or anyone else. He is an ACTOR not our life. Do I write about him or Kristen ALOT?? Yeah, recently I have but if you look at my blog I have many other posts in my life, love and misc sections but it seems like the only thing that anyone wants to focus on are my so called “hate blogs” against Kristen. I write what I feel and what is relevant, if it is Rob/Kristen/Robsten/Twilight Saga related, then it is what it is.


            • Are you kidding me? NO I actually DID NOT say anything about Rob, so don’t YOU even try to put words in my mouth. The quote you are incorrectly attributing to me was made by Annasaurus. And I copied and pasted her entire post because I agree with the point she made about the rampant misogyny and gender biases woven thru your posts about Kristen Stewart. Scroll up and see for yourself. Reactionary much?

              And yes, ma’am, I think you do write about Kristen a lot (especially since you don’t seem to blog frequently). You’ve written thousands upon thousands of words about her — I’d say you write more about her than you do about Rob. You are obviously entitled to write what you want …and I’m entitled to respond as I see fit.

              I agree with you that there are scary fans on all side. But TBH, when I read your posts about k stewart, the seething anger is almost palpable. It’s like nothing I’ve ever seen(except for in the political arena where it seems somewhat reasonable since political figures have a real and direct effect on people’s lives – Kristen Stewart and her fans DO not rate the same sort of passion IMO.) and I find it a little disconcerting, if not downright scary (but also fascinating).


  12. sorry, but this woman is NOT perpetuating anything, she’s using what’s called critical thinking skills, and doing it well i might add…you people need to get a new line, always fucking throwing rob into the mix, most of us, i can’t speak for all obviously, but MOST of us are wives, mothers, students etc, with healthy lives, and do NOT obsess over rob fucking pattinson, ” I’m baffled why you continue to obsess over an actor and disparage the person he works with that he both greatly respects and admires.”

    but wow it seems you do….she’s stating FACTS, not her opinion, not a general concenses, but FACTS…if you don’t like to be reminded of the nasty things your precious kstew does and says follow the shippers advice and IGNORE, IGNORE, IGNORE! i don’t hate kristen stewart, i hate some of the things she does, whether she wants to be or not, the fact is she is a role model “shudder” for young girls, it’s time she started acting like one. i adore rob, truly, but he’ thinks with his dick when it comes to kstew, of course he’s going to sing her praises, of course he’s going to say he repects and admires her, behind closed doors? god knows what goes on. a poster on eonlines board was VISCIOUSLY attacked the other night for posting what the shippers deemned as lies……a week before that….someone was told to go commit suicide, repeatedly. i know my thoughts are scattered, but it’s a fact kristen fans are some of the most vile, disgusting nasty pieces of filth i have ever borne whitness to, again, not ALL, but plenty i assure you. and i am POSITIVE she isn’t worthy of such devotion, based on her actions and attitudes, you can sugar coat it all you want. so you don’t like nans blog? here’s a novel idea DON’T FUCKING READ IT


  13. This blog is one of the best thought out pieces I have read in a very long time. It is logical and well written. She states her opinions but backs it up with pics.videos and tweets. That is exactly what shippers do. So to those of you who are offended and felt he need to post do you go to Eonline and let them know how offended you are when they post their marriage/engaged/baby/happy ever after theories. Those are the most ridiculous theories yet but I would never bash or make vile comments because that is the opinion of you shippers. Knock yourselves out there is nothing to back those theories. But Nans post makes sense it is based off of interviews, videos, tweets etc and from that she formed an opinion that more than half the fanbase agree with. Times are changing and with it the Robsten ship is sinking. Don’t worry though we are not that cruel unlike you vile nasty shippers we will send you an SOS!!!


  14. Nans – You are my hero! Love, love, love your blog! What an eye opener to how freakin’ NUTS krazy kristen fans can actually be. It’s actually scary! You, rocked this and must have really hit a nerve or two or people wouldn’t feel the need to attack you in defense of a person who doesn’t give a SHIT about them, and has voiced that publically many times. Yeah, hate to use this tired old line…but it seems to fit, because I have to agree with ONE thing Kristen Stewart has said and that is her fans are retarded! I don’t blame her one bit for being ashamed of them. I would be too. Keep up what you are doing, Nans. 🙂


  15. Thanks to all of you last commenters for seeing that I am really just trying to point out what facts I came across, as horrifying as they were. I had written two blogs earlier just from opinion and a few things I had seen but I ran across some of this shit and I was like OMG, these people really ARE crazy. This was never about Kristen Stewart. Does the blog mention her several times? Yes, it had to in order to show that negativity breeds more negativity and yes whether you shippers want to admit it your precious is the epitome of negativity. I do not believe however that she deserves this kind of fandom, no one does. The thing that I don’t understand with these people that continuously come and criticize me is that they only see what they need to see which is anything negative I might have to say about Kristen and then they don’t even see it the way it is written. They form their own perception of my words and assume right off the bat that I hate this woman which I have repeatedly stated I do not. I do not respect her, she has done nothing to garner respect and as I have said so many times before she needs to grow up and get off of the oh woes me Kristen Stewart train. It gets really old, really quick. There are tons of people that would be willing to trade places with her in a heartbeat and yeah shippers, those people are probably more talented. THAT might be the ONLY thing that I have said that is even a tad bit on the hateful (but truthful) side. As these women before me have said, if you don’t like what I have to say feel free to back your happy asses right on out of here and never come back. I am not going to stop writing about what I want to and NO it will not always be about Kristen and Rob but if I feel like writing about them, who are you to tell me I can’t or call me obsessed. That is a bit subjective if you ask me considering you seem to be obsessed with me and my blog. I just have one question though, since I KNOW you’ll be back….HOW THE HELL DO YOU FIGURE I AM ANTI FEMINIST because I write about a bunch of crazy people? I want one of you to come back in here and explain how I am an antifeminist and then how it might actually apply to this blog I have written. To make a statement like that was completely asinine. Do you even know the exact definition of an antifeminist or a feminist? Maybe you should go look it up and see if it even applies to the sheep or anything I wrote because I can assure you it really doesn’t. I am not ridiculing these “women” for what their roles should or should not be in society, I am speaking out against them because they are violent, vile and psychotic.


  16. one last thing…..I just didn’t pay attention,” Stewart recalls. “I was like, ‘You guys are celebrating something that has not come true yet. So, you are really retarded and have nothing to do with this creative process and I really don’t want to hear you celebrate in front of me. Get out of here! It’s my responsibility!’”

    THAT is why i will never give kristen stewart respect, period. my reasons are personal
    VERY personal. so MY personal feelings for her will not change until she PERSONALLY apologizes to me, since that won’t ever happen….”shrugs” it now becomes her problem. thank-you that is all.
    p.s love ya nans girl!


  17. wow I feel like i have just been!!
    I really had NO idea of the vitriol that is being spewed and how so many people are obsessed with the the whole” Rob and Kristen must be a couple or I will die”…
    I have never seem any of these that legal???
    One thing that I think is interesting….Rob’s movie…Remember Me….did not do very well in the USA but has made over 60 million dollars (Rob said in an interview) including all of the over seas money…NOW i am wondering if it didnt do very well because people in the USA cant handle Rob and other girls on screen…very unsettling. I did not see the movie but it would be interesting to see if that was part of the reason that the movie did not do as well in the USA and how that would contribute to Summit wanting Rob and Kristen wanting to perpetuate the whole Robsten thing for Eclipse
    I read the book Water for Elephants a couple of years ago and i loved it
    It wiill be interesting to see how it does…reese and christoph waltz are mainstream actors and the fans have NOTHING to do with Robsten….my parents will see this movie !!!!!It is not going to be a Twilight thing and I am looking really forward to it
    I was bummed to hear that BD was going to be 2 movies….the faster they movies come out they faster they can get on with their lives
    I am 32years old, married and have 2 kids…too old for the whole Robsten thing to take it seriously but I am glad that i randomly found this blog this evening
    thanks for the education… 😉


    • “I have never seem any of these that legal???”

      Unfortunately I am pretty sure it IS legal and if you think these are bad you should cruise over to and checkout some of the archives of disgusting photoshoped manipes we make fun of over there. Some are funny and some are just….well, indescribable.

      “One thing that I think is interesting….Rob’s movie…Remember Me….did not do very well in the USA but has made over 60 million dollars (Rob said in an interview) including all of the over seas money…NOW i am wondering if it didnt do very well because people in the USA cant handle Rob and other girls on screen…very unsettling”

      You hit it right on the head. These people are and were so obsessed they were making threats towards Emilie De Ravin because she was starring with Rob. They would talk about what a slut she was for trying to break the blissful couple up and this one was the best…they talked about how Em was so fat and had a terrible body. Emilie was a ballerina and I don’t know if you have seen her legs but I would give my first born for them 😉 Much nicer than some 20 year olds with cellulite that I could name right off of the top of my head.

      I am really looking forward to Rob’s other roles, especially Water for Elephants. It looks like it could be Oscar worthyand has Oscar winners in it so who knows. Now whether Rob could ever get an Oscar nod, I don’t know but I would like to hope because I think he is very worthy if you just kind of forget he was ever Edward Cullen. He is a great actor if you just look beyond the sparkly vampire thing.

      As far as being too old for the whole Robsten thing, well I am but I find something about stupid people intriguing but also irritatiing at the same time. I guess I let this whole thing get under my skin when people started threatening other people for stupid reasons and then it just grew exponetially from there and lets not forget about the ridiculous idol worship and the impact it is having on our young girls right now. It makes for interesting writing if nothing else.

      I hope you will come back and see what I have to say in the future. I always welcome people’s points of view (especially when they are raking me over the coals) 😀


  18. You are such a lying bitch. Everythingn ou say is a lie and nonnstens are the jealous lyers who love Rob and think he wants them. Why do you make up stuff to try and make Kristen fans look crazy, we love her and you hate her so who is crazy now bitch? She is more awesome that you will be ever cow so just remember that when you threaten her by threatening us by spredding lies about her it just comes back toyou from us times 10.



    • I think I’ve provided enough proof to make my case of just how obsessed , insane, vitriolic and evil you sheep really are and how far you will go to protect something (god knows what you are protecting) that doesn’t need anything or anyone to protect it because it isn’t REAL!!! ROBSTEN ISN’T REAL!!!!! When will you guys get that through your heads? Kristen doesn’t love you, care about you or even know you exist just as Rob doesn’t know any of us or know any of us exist. They know they have fans and they know they have crazy fans that are willing to do anything to show their love. Why do you think they are so fucking scared all the time? It is because of you…not people like me.


  19. I found this site because I’ve been living under a rock, I guess, and did not know what a “Krisbian” was. I just watched an interview she gave for MTV and the interviewer asked her at the very end if she knew what Krisbians were and she laughed and even got embarassed and said that she was aware of what they were and had no comment really, she just mentioned that there was only one person that was irritated by Krisbians’ existence, “her brother.” They are all so devoted to her and she thinks that they are laughable? They are so devoted to her that they have prayers and oaths and make death threats or other acts of violence towards anyone that doesn’t share their opinions and she is embarassed by them and finds them laughable. I just don’t get it. How can you devote yourself to someone who literally thinks that you are laughable? How do you not feel moronic for blindly putting your faith in someone that is embarassed that you even exist? Why is she so attractive to you? I don’t get it.

    As for Rob Pattinson, the first time I ever saw him in a movie was in the Harry Potter series. I knew then, before I ever saw Kristen Stewart in a movie or knew that was her name, that he was going to hit it big someday. I am very pleased to know that I was not wrong about that prediction. I have also seen other movies he has been in and find that has a great deal more to offer than just playing Edward. I find him to be a very talented actor. I find him refreshing and honest and well educated and, as for his parents, you can tell by how he presents himself in the public eye that his parents did a wonderful job of raising him to adulthood and that he carries those morals and principles with him. That is so admirable. And trust me, I believe that Summit Entertainment is all too aware that he was the money maker in this franchise more than Kristen Stewart could hope to be. She should be grateful to him for making her look good; however, I think that she is that full of herself that she thinks that she is all that and a bag of chips too. If anything, I would imagine that a good majority of her sullen attitude is really professional jealousy. How could it not be the entire Twilight Saga was written in the first person of the character she played and it is Rob Pattinson that fans went berserk over. That has got to hurt a bit when you take a role that should have made you shine more than anyone else and the fans are not screaming loud enough over the ones that are screaming for Robert Pattinson. They may say that he did not do so well on his first time out on his own, however, his movie cost $16 million to produce and it grossed domestically just under $20 million and approximately $60 million world wide. The Runaways cost $10 million to produce and it did not even gross half of what it cost to produce. It never broke even, it only grossed just under $5 million, that is a $5 million dollar loss. Who’s movie tanked?

    As for the Robstens of the world. I am guessing the majority of them are between the ages of 13 and maybe 17, that seems to be the maturity level that they bring forward in their comments. Little girls that need to believe in something bigger than themselves to belong given the lack of anything more substantial in their lives. The Twilight Saga is fiction/fantasy, Bella and Edward do not exist in real life, it is time you stop projecting those two character’s story on two actual living people that are, and have said so themselves over and over and over again, not remotely like the characters that they play. What I don’t understand about Robsten people is how they just dismiss the fact that both Robert and Kristen continue to say that they are just good friends that they became close friends because of this shared experience with worldwide fame. How many times does he have to state that he is not Edward or her state that she is nothing like Bella before it sinks in? I just don’t get it. I don’t understand why there are people that think the two of them have to be together in real life when they both have said that they are just friends? I don’t understand what kind of cheap thrill that gives them. I honestly don’t understand why they get to hysterical when they come across someone or anyone who does not share their beliefs. I think they read the so-called Nonsten sites and blogs because somewhere deep inside they literally hope that they are wrong so that it does not disrupt their fantasies about which ever one they are actually crushing on. Given all anyone ever unveils about either one of them I should think that Kristen would find Rob a tad bit boring for her and Rob would find her a bit to crass and rude for his taste. In the long run, it really doesn’t matter what anyone thinks about the status of their relationship because at the end of the day, they are the only two people who really know if they are or they aren’t and they are not talking. The only people that are talking are the gossip mongers, those people that write for the gossip mags or sites that continue to spew forth fabricated stories and speculations behind snapshots that people take of the two of them in a split second of a moment in their lives, yet they never really consider that there are 24 hours in a day. If you ask me, the latest pictures that have been uploaded on the Internet give me the impression that they are more like brother and sister than boyfriend and girlfriend. And even brothers and sisters show some form of affection towards each other from time to time. I just don’t get what fuels their fire, maybe I was better off living under the rock. Who knows?


  20. WOW, you must really hate Kristen, so what you are trying to say here is that kristen is always wrong and evil while Rob is always right and a sweet angel? he can do no wrong, just remember that they are human just like all of us, they are young and they are trying to learn how to have a life in front of the camara which i don’t think could be really easy considering that all people want is perfection, is undestandable you criticize Kristen as you hate her some much apparently, but you are saying all the people that likes her are sheeps so the people who follows you are what? wolf? hienas? any other kind of animal with sharp teeth? you think you are all smart and waste time writting and compiling all kinds of info to show how awful kristen is, that looks really mature, I don’t particularly like kristen but I don’t really hate her because in order for some one sane to do that is because at least they know the person and decide they dislike her, but well, have fun with all the hatred you harbor and have a wonderful life.


    • Did you even READ this blog?? This was about her vitriolic FANS, not her. I have my own reasons for disliking Kristen and yeah I like Rob but quite frankly I haven’t given either one of them much thought for quite some time. I haven’t logged into Nonsten, I haven’t looked at a magazine article or interview or anything else because I don’t care. The hype surrounding them and their fans are toxic and so much so that it prompted me to write a blog like this siting things that Kristen’s fans have done. The things that SOME of them, and maybe not you or a lot of them have done but many have, against anyone who doesn’t agree with the hype or fairy tale or just plain doesn’t give a shit is deplorable. Do you know that someone posted on my other blog that I DESERVED to get raped because I didn’t like Kristen or care about Robsten? If I harbor any type of hate, which it is more of disgust, I think I am fully justified at this point but I am done. I will go see Breaking Dawn only because I am curious to see just how ridiculous it will be, Rob saying it is almost a horror flick and producers keeping it a PG13 rating just doesn’t seem to mesh and biting the baby out of a stomach is worth ten bucks any day whether it is out of Kristen’s or not, I can sit thru 2 hours of her non acting a few more times for closure of the series, its not like I am ever going to have to again. Something tells me she is not going to be the next Jodie Foster, Nicole Kidman or even Reese Witherspoon. She’ll do her obscure Indies that no one but her TwiKrisbian sheep see and we’ll all go back to our lives like Twilight never existed…and Rob??? Who really knows but either way or the other my life will go on…….. .


  21. I read this whole thing. Who are you blog person? I’m curious to know about all this stuff. I set it to notify me when a reply is made so…please reply.


    • Hi, I am sorry I am just now responding. I didn’t get notification of any of my comments due to my email being hacked. As far as who I am…hmm…I am just a person who comes across and writes about things that interest or disturb her. The stuff about Robsten is actual TRUE information and the threats are real. The obsessiveness of the fans that I spoke of is BEYOND scary. I haven’t really paid much attention to the world of Rob Pattz/Kristen Stewart/Robsten for quite some time now so I don’t know anything going on in the media circus except everyone thinks their “Edward and Bella” are in love and all is right with the world. Me, I don’t really give two shits if they are but still find it a little too convenient and weird BUT once again that is just my opinion.


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